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From: Norma Jean <nsawicki>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 14:45:07 -0400
Folk may disagree but as far as the ABC miniseries is concerned, as a country/society/culture, we are at a critical junction due to 9/11 and other factors. For that reason, I think it important that any book, or film be absolutely accurate in its portrayal of those events, and of all of us....liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats must demand no less no matter our politics. It does not serve the nation well to support inaccuracies because of one's likes/dislikes for a politician or a party. ABC has already admitted it has taken license with the truth...members of the 9/11 commission have also disagreed with aspects of the film as far as its connection with the report is concerned. The only politican ABC hired to check the film is a Republican member of Congress who pointed out some but not all of the inaccuracies even though he knew they existed.
The Brits, as well as the Labor Party, have gotten their wish...Tony Blair will resign within a year....dumped because of his support of Bush, Iraq, etc. I point that out only to support the above view...that these are serious times that demand the best from all of us...meaning a demand for accuracy and nothing less. Norma Jean
Received on Fri 08 Sep 2006 01:45:07 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 14:45:07 -0400
Folk may disagree but as far as the ABC miniseries is concerned, as a country/society/culture, we are at a critical junction due to 9/11 and other factors. For that reason, I think it important that any book, or film be absolutely accurate in its portrayal of those events, and of all of us....liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats must demand no less no matter our politics. It does not serve the nation well to support inaccuracies because of one's likes/dislikes for a politician or a party. ABC has already admitted it has taken license with the truth...members of the 9/11 commission have also disagreed with aspects of the film as far as its connection with the report is concerned. The only politican ABC hired to check the film is a Republican member of Congress who pointed out some but not all of the inaccuracies even though he knew they existed.
The Brits, as well as the Labor Party, have gotten their wish...Tony Blair will resign within a year....dumped because of his support of Bush, Iraq, etc. I point that out only to support the above view...that these are serious times that demand the best from all of us...meaning a demand for accuracy and nothing less. Norma Jean
Received on Fri 08 Sep 2006 01:45:07 PM CDT