CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Little Engine That Could board book

From: Julie Ranelli <jranelli>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 15:10:20 -0400

In light of the Read for the Record event (see below), I am considering a special storytime featuring "The Little Engine That Could." Since I'll have mixed ages, I thought having some board book copies available might be a good idea. Has anyone seen the board book version (Grosset & Dunlap, 1991), and how does it compare to the picture book version?

Thanks! Julie

Julie Ranelli Children's/Young Adult Librarian Queen Anne's County Free Library Kent Island Branch Stevensville, MD jranelli at

>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:25:30 -0500
>From: "Diane Foote" <dfoote at>
>To: Association for Library Service to Children List <alsc-l at>
>Subject: [ALSC-L:4426] Read for the Record Aug. 24!
>Reply-To: dfoote at
>Hello ALSC-ers!
>I'm pleased to spread the word about this fun event scheduled for
>August 24, 2006: READ FOR THE RECORD, during which an attempt will be
>made to track a record number of children reading the same book on the
>same day, sponsored by Pearson (the parent company of Penguin Young
>Readers Group), Starbucks, and others.
>The book is the old favorite THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD by Watty
>Piper, rereleased this year with new illustrations by Loren Long,
>published by Philomel Books, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group.
>BOOKLIST says of the new edition: "Grand in scale but cozy in effect,
>the impressive acrylic paintings use subtle strokes of rich colors to
>create a series of narrative scenes large enough to be clearly visible
>back to the last row of storytime or classroom. The characters remain
>convincing as dolls, toys, and trains despite the slight changes in
>expression, position, and emotion that bring them to life...This edition
>provides a brilliant new setting that many readers will prefer to the
>original picture book."
>Please visit for more information,
>including how to register.
>Diane Foote
>Executive Director, ALSC
>50 E. Huron St.
>Chicago, IL 60611
>dfoote at
>Register now for the ALSC National Institute
>9/14-16/06, Pittsburgh, PA
>"Children's Services Today and Tomorrow"
Received on Mon 24 Jul 2006 02:10:20 PM CDT