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[CCBC-Net] New Covers/New Conceptions

From: Bonnie Withers <bon2626wit>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:36:27 -0500

Regarding old friends in new "clothes"-- I was exploring the graphic novel/comics section of the displays at ALA in Chicago last year when I spotted the new graphic versions of Nancy Drew. Nancy was wearing a low-vee skin tight spandex top highlighting amazing "outcroppings". The publisher rep looked a little abashed when I pronounced, "Nancy Drew does not have pointy boobs!" He explained that she needed to be updated for contemporary readers. I agreed with the premise but remained firm in my opinion that her new-found pulchritude was inappropriate for the venerable girl detective. Surely, there's an update somewhere between peter pan collars and spandex that will give Nancy the look she needs in 2006!

Bonnie Withers bon2626wit at School Library Media Program Coordinator School of Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Received on Mon 24 Jul 2006 09:36:27 AM CDT