CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Retellings--Julius Lester

From: Susan Patron <spatron>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:34:54 -0700

Has anyone mentioned the great reteller of all kinds of stories, Julius Lester? His recasting of the Uncle Remus stories with such hilarity and wit, his reconceptualization of Shakespeare, his unique take on biblical stories-- all have added such depth and richness to the field. Not to mention making wonderful old stories immediately accessible to children. I believe that Lester considers the stories of humankind to be our common heritage, in the true sense of folklore, available to all of us for telling and retelling. (I think it is Jane Yolen who describes this as polishing the story in the mouth.)

Susan Patron Sr. Librarian, Juvenile Materials Collection Development Manager Los Angeles Public Library
Received on Fri 21 Jul 2006 10:34:54 AM CDT