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[CCBC-Net] Summer books

From: Tracy L. Hubbard <tlhubbar>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 21:33:20 -0500

I do/did love the "E's", but I like this list of new challenging fiction. I had a discussion with a dear library friend about whether summer reading is something light and fun, or the book that is just "too" much for any other time of year to ponder and consume.

In that light, I love "The Liberation of Gabriel King" by K.L.Going. This book to me was an example of how good, good childrens' literature is. The book starts with graduation from one grade to the next, and encounters overcoming fear, prejudice, and the power of positive thinking. I love the way it was written and the way it made me think.

t. Tracy Hubbard tlhubbar at
Received on Sat 15 Jul 2006 09:33:20 PM CDT