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[CCBC-Net] Enriched or Changed

From: Karen Radtke <Kradtk>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 15:48:22 -0500

This too made me rethink my childhood influences. I had so many favorites--l reread Mary Poppins at least 10 times and that was before the movie. But for life shaping, I'd have to go with The Once and Future King by T.H. White. Again I've read this book throughout my life at least 6 times. Each reading struck a different chord within me. The magic, the humor, the nobility, the evil, and of course the overwhelming tragedy of broken vows of love and friendship. How could Guinevere leave Arthur for Lancelot? I pretty much promised myself that if I ever met an
"Arthur" I wouldn't make that mistake. It wasn't until I was in college that I discovered that White had written it as an indictment against war, so I read it again (during the Vietnam War era) and was moved to view war a little more critically. I read an enormous amount of fantasy, but few have made me look at life in a different way.
Received on Thu 25 May 2006 03:48:22 PM CDT