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[CCBC-Net] Rereading

From: Sue McGown <smcgown>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 08:11:23 -0500

Rereading at a different stage in life is like a whole different experience. We bring so much of our own experience to the reading of text. So, it follows that if we have entered a different stage in life, our experiences are different and the reading becomes new and unique. This is true for adults and also for children. This is my argument against good readers in 1st and 2nd grade reading chapter books which they really don't have the experience to understand. They can read the words - but they don't understand the depth of the book and then later say "I read that book already". I encourage them in 4th and 5th grade to reread those books they read in the early grades because it will a whole new experience for them. Just MHO. Sue McGown St. John's School Houston, TX

Norma Jean wrote:

>Why do we reread...
>>From the chair in which I sit, it depends on the individual...I reread for
>different reasons......different layers can emerge, to experience the
>pleasure, curiosity, etc., again, a book can resonate differently when read
>at a different time, to analyze a book's doubt other reasons
>that do not immediately come to mind. Norma Jean
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Received on Thu 25 May 2006 08:11:23 AM CDT