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[CCBC-Net] Books

From: Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 10:52:56 -0700


This discussion is doing bad and evil things to my schedule. I'll never catch up with my work. HOWEVER,

the following books did not change my life but forced a change in friends. When I was VERY young (1st grade??,maybe 2nd), all my friends were blasting off with enormous enthusiasm about the
"Bobbsey" (sp?) books. So--I borrowed one, read it, and changed friends.

However, Nancy Drew and the Dana Girls, etc., and Cherry Aimless, etc., etc., while not "life-changing" certainly helped me red faster and faster--and faster. No Evelyn Woods was needed--chums

Big Grandma

who wept copiously over Jane Eyre at about age 10. (Anyone remember those blue buckram bound classics that the libraries held?)
Received on Wed 24 May 2006 12:52:56 PM CDT