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[CCBC-Net] [CCBC Net] - What books changed your life?

From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 11:47:22 -0400

YES YES Black Like Me and Richard Wright's Native Son - I raced from my bedroom on the 3rd floor to the living room many times to read sections to my parents. I was blown away even though I was raised in a church actively involved in the Civil Rights Movement. My world broadened enormously. Melody (it is impossible to take just one turn!!!)

>>> "Burzynski, Theresa" <tburzynski at> 05/24/06 11:27AM >>>

I second the mention of Black Like Me being Powerful documentation of a real story!

-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at
[mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at]On Behalf Of Cynthia Grady Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:38 AM To: CCBC-Net at Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] [CCBC Net] - What books changed your life?

The books I borrowed from the library over and over and over . . . .

The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Potter Gilberto and the Wind by Ets The Story about Ping by Flack The House at Pooh Corner by Milne Up the Down Staircase Black Like Me

-cynthia grady

-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at
[mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nancegar at Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:49 AM To: CCBC-Net at Subject: [CCBC-Net] [CCBC Net] - What books changed your life?

What a wonderful question -- and what a hard one! I loved all books as a child, and read avidly. Robert Lawson's RABBIT HILL was a special favorite, and Hugh Lofting's DR. DOOLITTLE books (yes, I know -- but the recent controversy at first stunned me, and then of course, I understood -- but it didn't affect me in the way critics felt it would affect today's kids). I loved LITTLE WOMEN, but loved LITTLE MEN far more; the Pooh books, of course, and Beatrix Potter - and SNOW TREASURE, whose author's name eludes me, about the Norweigian kids who sumggled the country's gold out of the country during WW II -- also a book called BRAVE GIRLS, published I think by the Girl Scouts, about kids who were part of varous resstance groups during WWII. Jack London's books, Arthur Rackham's illustrations, ROBIN HOOD; KIDNAPPED. PAGE, SQUIRE, KNIGHT, OTTO OF THE SILVER HAND, Terhune's books, Walter Farley's books -- I'd better stop, for my mind is listing more and more favorites -- one more, though, which my 6th grade teacher read aloud to the class: GABRIEL AND THE HOUR BOOK, about a young monk who worked on an illuminated manuscript. I read the Bobbsy Twins series, but with only mild interest, and never discovered Nancy Drew or The Hardy Boys -- but did find SUE BARTON, STUDENT NURSE and liked that well enough. I also read lots of books that took place at West Point, and...

Enigh, enough!

Nancy Garden

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Received on Wed 24 May 2006 10:47:22 AM CDT