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[CCBC-Net] life changing books

From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:22:52 -0400

Regarding Miriam's comments below: In 1969 I taught at a segregated school in an economically poor area of rural North Carolina. I brought in a shelf of my own books for the classroom. The only book that went missing was The Family of Man. At the time I felt some child needed that book, and now I hope it helped change that child's life (along with the choral readings of Langston's Hughes' poems we did). Melody Allen

When I was about ten I came across a museum catalog from an exhibition of photographs, possibly from the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, on my parents' bookshelves. It was called THE FAMILY OF MAN and had all the black and white photos from the exhibition and accompanying quotations from great works of literature, sacred texts, etc. The photos depicted a wide range of people from around the world and spoke to me of the universality of the human experience. Birth, death, grief, joy, work, play, grinding poverty, celebration, sensuality, anger, and so much more were vividly depicted.
Miriam Lang Budin
Chappaqua Library, NY
Received on Wed 24 May 2006 08:22:52 AM CDT