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[CCBC-Net] Fantasy

From: Julie Kinney <bear22>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:25:48 -0500

I'm a great lover of fantasy and have enjoyed everyone's recommendations tremendously! I have to give a second to Patricia Mckillip's books. I like almost everything she has come out with, but the Riddle-Master books are one of my all time favorites.

Also, I loved the Abhorsen books. I got bogged down a bit and it took me a while to finish the second one, but once I did I ran out and bought the third one immediately. I'm waiting for the collection of short stories to come out in paperback. I haven't really liked anything else Garth Nix has done, although I had a few middle schoolers who really liked Ragwitch.

The original Pern books are one of my favorites, as well as the Harper Hall trilogy which is perfect for younger readers (4-6 grade? There is one naughty bit in the third book, but McCaffery handles it so skillfully you almost don't notice it...)

His Dark Materials, which my devout Catholic mother read and loved! She's now a YA Fantasy freak and haunts the YA shelves at the local bookstore.

Dianne Wynne Jones's Tales of the Chestromanci are delightful. They come in a huge paperback which could put off some readers, but they are a collection of short stories about a young man and his trials and tribualtions as he becomes the Chestromancer. Great fun. I also loved her book Dogsbody when I was a kid, although I couldn't make heads or tails of the beginning part of it. It always seemed like there was another book before it that I couldn't find...

Many of my MS girls loved Tamora Pierce. I liked the fact that they had a strong female characters.

I loved the Darkangel series from Meredith Ann Pierce. These are fabulous books, set ostensibly in the far future on the moon. The first one, Darkangel, has some amazing mythic elements in it. The second one, A Gathering of Gargoyles, has the same feel. The third book starts off very differently and it is really my least favorite of the three. I read them in middle school. I also liked The Woman Who Loved Reindeer. It was an enchanting story for the same reason The Riddle-Master of Hed was: Shape Shifters!

I also liked Blood and Chocolate and The Silver Kiss. Both semi-gothic romances.

For more adult reading, I love The Land of Laughs and Sleeping in Flame by Jonathon Carroll. Sleeping in Flame is an amazing retelling of the Rumplestilskin story, except here Rumplestilskin got the baby. Land of Laughs has, hands down, one of the most amazing twist endings out there! And it is finally back in print! Excellent work!

Great Reading!

Received on Mon 15 May 2006 04:25:48 PM CDT