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[CCBC-Net] Fwd: [ALACOUN:17856] Fwd: [ALSC-L:4279] Patricia Polocco silenced at IRA

From: Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 13:12:25 -0700

FYI--Yes, let's ask ourselves why text and test publishers have such power--and why they are so profitable.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jonathan Betz-Zall <jbetzzall at>
> Date: May 10, 2006 10:28:10 AM PDT
> To: ALA Council List <alacoun at>
> Subject: [ALACOUN:17856] Fwd: [ALSC-L:4279] Patricia Polocco
> silenced at IRA
> Reply-To: jbetzzall at
> Forwarded with the author's permission. I checked Patricia Polacco's
> website and found the following
> update:
> Some of your responses have been negative in nature against SRA/McGraw
> Hill as well as the International Reading Association (IRA). The
> I.R.A.
> had nothing to do with any of this or my cancellation. Although I
> appreciate your support in regard to the circumstances of my
> cancellation, it would better serve us all, to channel your concerns
> toward the "No Child Left Behind Mandate" and not SRA/McGraw Hill.
> I would rather, instead, have you contact your Congressmen, State
> Representatives, and your Senators to lodge your complaint against the
> tyranny of the "No Child Left Behind" mandate. My issue is and always
> has been with the "No Child Left Behind" mandate and it's destructive
> force in American schools.
> [end quote]
> Corporations may claim the right to dictate the content of speeches
> that they sponsor, but professional associations can demand that those
> speakers have the freedom to say whatever they please [at the risk of
> not being hired again]. Let's be very careful to monitor corporate
> sponsorship of ALA events to ensure that nothing like this happens
> there, and let's applaud when sponsors allow speakers their full
> rights, even when we may not like what they say (like Andrei
> Codrescu).
> Cheerio! Jonathan
> Washington Chapter Councilor
> --- kthorning kthorning <kthorning at> wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 15:54:29 -0500
>> From: "kthorning kthorning" <kthorning at>
>> To: Association for Library Service to Children List <alsc-l at>
>> Subject: [ALSC-L:4279] Patricia Polocco silenced at IRA
>> I'm sharing this open letter from Patricia Polacco because it raises
>> chilling questions about intellectual freedom. Many of you heard
>> Polocco speak at the ALSC preconference last year and will recall
>> that
>> she was very critical of NCLB.
>> Urgent Notice....
>> To All Educators, Librarians, and Media Specialists
>> Regarding the cancellation of my appearance at the IRA
>> in Chicago for May 2 and 3, 2006
>> A few months ago I was approached by The Buchanan
>> Associates in Dublin, OH to appear at the
>> International Reading Association Conference in
>> Chicago on May 2 and 3, 2006. I was to be part of 5
>> events. Speeches, 'meet and greet' and book signings.
>> I was happy to accept the invitation which, I assumed,
>> was coming from the I.R.A. and my publisher. It is
>> always such an honor for me to speak and interact with
>> teachers and librarians from around the country.
>> But, then, a very disturbing turn of events
>> transpired. My staff started receiving phone calls and
>> emails from this firm in Ohio requesting that I
>> furnish them with a detailed written outline of what I
>> intended to include in my speeches. I assumed, of
>> course, that this was asked so that a synopsis of my
>> content could be included in a printed brochure
>> furnished to the conferees.
>> You can imagine my astonishment when I finally called
>> this firm and learned that this was not the reason.
>> They requested my written outline because their
>> 'client' wanted to make sure that I would not discuss
>> my deep concern about NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND
>> well as my concern that there is a link
>> between this mandate and the SRA/McGraw Hill Company
>> who manufactures, prints, and profits from the sale of
>> these tests to school systems all over our country.
>> It was then that I closely reviewed all if the emails
>> (I had not up until this time because I had been doing
>> school visits and was not home until now) I then
>> realized that the "client" that this firm referred to,
>> but never names, was indeed, SRA/McGraw Hill! I also
>> learned from the Officials of the IRA that SRA/McGraw
>> Hill was indeed sponsoring the event that I had been
>> invited to. I was shocked!
>> This "firm" insisted that my speech be "upbeat,
>> non-controversial, and non-political"...I countered
>> with the fact that the plight of the American teacher
>> is far from "upbeat" and they are caught in the vice
>> grip of the most controversial and political LIE that
>> has ever been perpetrated on the American teacher.
>> I was also quite mystified as to why SRA/McGraw Hill
>> would even select ME and invite me to be a part of
>> their program knowing how strongly I feel about this
>> entire situation.
>> My speeches certainly do inspire teachers...I truly
>> believe they are among the last hero's we have in our
>> country...but I always mention the destructive path
>> that is laying wasted to our schools and that is the
>> No Child Left Behind Mandate!
>> I did mention to them that I considered this broaching
>> "censorship" and a violation of my freedom of speech.
>> Finally, after receiving numerous emails from this
>> 'firm' that got more and more 'insistences'...I
>> finally sent them a written refusal to alter my
>> speeches in any way, Certainly I can moderate their
>> length, but I refused to alter the content. I made
>> them aware if they truly had a problem with this, then
>> they could "un-invite" me to be part of their event.
>> Needless to sat, SRA/McGraw Hill cancelled my programs
>> within the hour!
>> My main concern here, is that I very much fear the
>> conferees will be led to believe that it is I who
>> cancelled this event. The cancellation was the choice
>> of SRA/McGraw Hill and was generated by a blatant
>> attempt to CENSOR my remarks and the content of what I
>> say to teachers, which is a clear infringement of my
>> constitutional right to freedom of speech. I pride
>> myself on being an advocate for America's teachers as
>> well as being one of the most reliable speakers at
>> conferences in our country.
>> My lawyers and I have set a formal request to
>> SRA/McGraw Hill through their representative, The
>> Buchanan Associates in Dublin, Ohio, to post the
>> following signs outside of each venue at the
>> conference where I am scheduled to speak.
>> Call anyone you know that was either going to attend
>> my events, or that did and were disappointed and tell
>> them why this happened.
>> I am very disturbed by this on may levels. It seems
>> that we Americans are losing, by leaps and bounds, our
>> constitution "guaranteed" rights.
>> I am insulted and very offended not only on my own
>> behalf, but also because of these various
>> organizations that seek to profi from the misery for
>> our teachers and school children. Profits and money
>> seem to matter much more that truly making changes to
>> our educational systems that would truly help our
>> children. I have to admit that I have a certain amount
>> of pride in taking this stand on your behalf.
>> Yours faithfully,
>> Patricia Polacco
>> Welcome one and all...
>> Thank you for visiting my website. I hope that you
>> will find this site fun and useful.
>> Patricia Polacco
>> Kathleen T. Horning
>> ALSC Vice President / President Elect
>> Cooperative Children's Book Center
>> 4290 Helen C. White Hall
>> 600 N. Park Street
>> Madison, WI 53706
>> kthorning at
>> Tel: 608-263-3721
>> Fax: 608-262-4933
> Jonathan Betz-Zall
> Seattle, Washington, USA
> jbetzzall at
> "Try kindness first."
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Received on Wed 10 May 2006 03:12:25 PM CDT