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[CCBC-Net] (no subject)

From: Karen Cruze <kcruze>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 15:00:10 -0500

I think what Monica touched on is so important - having a cultural basis for enjoying some contemporary fantasies by knowing the classics that they draw from. Two recent fantasies in particular reminded me of Oz and Wonderland. They both seemed to be referencing them in many ways. One was Poison and the other was May Bird and the Ever After. That doesn't mean you have to have read the classics to enjoy these books, but my reading of them was more enjoyable because I got the way they used the classic tropes. Kids delight in being able to make these kind of comparisons too. Nice to here of people still making the effort to introduce kids to Baum and Carroll. Keep up the good work!

Karen Cruze Youth Services Librarian Northbrook Public Library Northbrook. Il. 60062
Received on Tue 09 May 2006 03:00:10 PM CDT