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[CCBC-Net] Holocaust Literature for Children and Teens

From: Ryan, Pat <PRyan>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:11:37 -0700

There is a book by that title, owned UC Riverside.Fanny Marette is the author, original title J'etais le numbero 47.177. In English I was number 47177. It was written in 1979; the call # does not indicate reading level [to me anyway].
  Patricia Ryan, Children's Librarian Union City Library 510-745-1464 ext. 19


From: ccbc-net-bounces at on behalf of Meghan McCarthy Sent: Wed 4/19/2006 11:23 AM To: ccbc-net at Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Holocaust Literature for Children and Teens

I read a book in the 5th or 6th grade and will never forget it. It was called I WAS NUMBER 47177... or at least I think that was the title. It was the only book I really loved reading in the elementary school years. It was extremely powerful and I really felt the pain of being a holocaust survivor.

I have no idea if it's an adult book or a kids' book or what it was but it was memorable. I'm sure it's out of print. It definitely wasn't a new book when I read it!

Has anyone ever come upon this book?

meghan mccarthy

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Received on Wed 19 Apr 2006 02:11:37 PM CDT