CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Upcoming CCBC-Net Topics

From: Megan Schliesman <schliesman>
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 09:59:27 -0600

We welcome your announcements for the next couple of days on CCBC-Net.

Here are the discussion topics for the next two months:


Poetry Showcase: April is National Poetry Month. In the first half of April, we?ll look at recent poetry published for children and teens. Showcase your own favorites, and also tell us some of the ways you use and promote poetry with children and teens.

Books about the Holocaust: There?s a significant body of literature about the Holocaust for children and teenagers, from novels to non-fiction to picture books. What books do you find particularly effectively at helping children or teens begin to understand the Holocaust? Are there books you think don?t handle this difficult and challenging topic well? What titles do you or the children and teens with whom you work especially appreciate? We?ll talk about these and related issues the second half of April.


Fantastic Fiction: New Fantasy Literature: Overwhelmed with trilogies? Burdened by yet another book to read about an apprentice in some far-off or far-out land? It?s hard not to notice the explosion in new fantasy offerings, which range from mundane to marvelous. Among the many new works of fantasy published in recent years for children and teens, what are the fantasy books*stand alone title, trilogy, or ongoing series*that really stand out to you and the young readers in your lives?

Life-Changing Books: We've all heard that books change lives. How have they changed yours? In the second half of May, we invite you to share stories of children?s or young adult books that made a difference in your life. Maybe it was a title that made you feel less alone as a child. Maybe it was a book that helped you understand something about the world in which you lived, or see things in a new way. Maybe it was a book that launched you into your chosen career. What books from your own childhood or young adulthood made a lasting difference? What children?s and young adult titles have you found significant in your adult life? And if you are lucky enough to know of a book that has made a real difference in the life of a child or teen today, share that too!


Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, UW-Madison 600 N. Park St., Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

ph: 608-262-9503 fax: 608-262-4933

schliesman at
Received on Sat 01 Apr 2006 09:59:27 AM CST