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[CCBC-Net] Hitler Youth

From: Beth Wright <bethlibrarian>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 13:35:10 -0800 (PST)

The point from Hitler Youth that has remained with me months after reading the book is this: one of the significant changes that happened in post-Nazi Germany was a change in education. As opposed to the Nazi and even pre-Nazi eras, after World War II young people were encouraged by their teachers to ask questions and think for themselves. I'm not a teacher but it seems to me this must be a hard thing to promote in an extremely test-based, standards-focused educational environment, no matter what country or what century.

Beth Wright

Beth Wright Youth Services Librarian Fletcher Free Library Burlington, Vermont
(802) 865-7216 bethlibrarian at

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Received on Tue 14 Mar 2006 03:35:10 PM CST