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[CCBC-Net] Awards, Good and Bad?

From: M. Hagen <mhagen>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 13:50:50 -0500

I was just curious...does anyone know if Jan Brett has ever won the Caldecott, either as a Medal or Honor Award??

At 11:12 PM 2/7/2006 -0800, Meghan McCarthy wrote:
><<<Does anyone else feel that awards are just part of
>our capitalistic society... solely urging authors,
>illustrators, and publishers to complete
>something that is worthy of an award instead of what
>their true feelings or
>thoughts are.>>
>Oh, if only all authors could make books that would
>surely win awards and become bestsellers!
>The truth is that making a book takes SO much time and
>effort (and believe me, there isn't much pay involved)
>that authors really have to do what they love. To make
>a book I'll work 15 plus hour days for months to
>finish it. If I didn't LOVE what I was doing then I
>wouldn't be able to pull it off (especially when I'm
>sleep deprived and haven't seen civilization for weeks
>at a time!)
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Received on Sun 12 Feb 2006 12:50:50 PM CST