CCBC-Net Archives


From: Sharron L. McElmeel <mcelmeels>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 15:10:06 -0600

Ah, and now I wonder -- does the 2001 reissue credit Seuss as the author (as sales sites seem to credit) AND Michael Frith as the illustrator. Does anyone have the 2001 edition of Because_a_Little_Bug_Went_Ka-Choo! ?


At 2:33 PM -0600 02/07/06, Meg Rothstein wrote:
>Hi Sharron,
>In Contemporary_Authors (Thomson Gale, 2004), under "Writings By the Author" :
>(With Michael Frith, under joint pseudonym Rosetta Stone):
>Because_a_Little_Bug_Went_Ka-Choo!, illustrated by Frith, Beginner
>Books (New York, NY), 1975.
>Delightfully, it appears, author and illustrator enjoyed the
>"Rosetta Stone" pseudonym, together (and for one book). However, I
>must admit that I didn't continue my search and can't verify it with
>other sources at this time. I saw this only in CA. Hope I haven't
>given misinformation in haste and while "on vacation".
>Meg Rothstein
Madison, Wisconsin
Sharron L. McElmeel
University of Wisconsin - Stout
School of Education
Teaching Children's Literature in the Classroom
Teaching Young Adult Literature in the Classroom
3000 N Center Point Rd
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411-9548
ph. (319) 393-2562
mcelmeel at
Author of Authors in the Kitchen: Recipes, Stories, and More 
(Libraries Unlimited, 2005), Best Teen Reads: 2005 (Hi Willow), 
Children's Authors and Illustrators Too Good to Miss (Libraries 
Unlimited); 100 Most Popular Children's Authors (Libraries 
Unlimited), 100 Most Popular Picture Book Authors and Illustrators 
(Libraries Unlimited), Character Education: A Book Guide for 
Teachers, Librarians, and Parents (Libraries Unlimited) and other 
titles (
Forthcoming:  Authors in the Pantry: Recipes, Stories, and More 
(Libraries Unlimited)
Received on Tue 07 Feb 2006 03:10:06 PM CST