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[CCBC-Net] Age range

From: Karen Breen <kbreen>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 12:11:21 -0500

How coincidental to get this announcement in the same morning's mail as the beginnings of the talk about age range. For the record, I agree with Rita about rethinking what age ALSC should really be serving and our combined award-committee chairs sent the suggestion to re-visit the topic to the ALSC Board in San Antonio. Can't stay to chat, but I think this would help ALSC refocus on the younger readers, whose books seem to always get short shrift. Karen Breen Kirkus Reviews

New York City chapter of the Womens' National Book Association: Publishing industry panel discussion, February 16, 2006, 6pm.

Is 12 the New 18? Reaching Today's Tween Readers

Today's tween readers are too old for toys and too young for boys. Publishers are keeping pace with these increasingly savvy pre-adolescents with true-to-life stories and prose that keep pages turning. Marketers and packagers are turning to hot product tie-ins to throw some grown-up sparkle onto these tantalizing reads. And in the midst of this girly world, the boys aren't getting left out.

A discussion and Q & A including:

Kristin Earhart - Senior Editor, Trade Paperbacks, Scholastic Inc. Addie Swartz - Founder and President, B*tween Productions, Inc. Carol Fitzgerald - Co-Founder/President, The Book Report Network

Organized by: Lauren Causey - Contracts Assistant, Scholastic Inc.
                       Kate Stevenson - Independent Editor of Children's Books

When: Thursday, February 16, 2006 6 to 8 p.m.

Where: The Small Press Center at the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen Library 20 West 44th Street New York, New York

How much: Free to WNBA members.
$10 general public, $5 students w/ID more information about WNBA is available at <>

Addie Swartz is founder of B*tween Productions, Inc., the Boston-based developer of the Beacon Street Girls, a consumer/entertainment brand committed to the health and well being of girls 9-13. The center of the company is the award-winning Beacon Street Girls book series, an inspirational and multicultural series that is informed by current research on how to strengthen girls' self esteem. BSG books and products are available at Barnes & Nobles, Borders, online at and, as well as at independent book and gift stores nationwide. Addie is also the mother of two tween girls. More info is available at

Kristin Earhart is a Senior Editor of Trade Paperbacks at Scholastic. Many of Kristin's books are geared toward readers aged 8-12 (sample titles: PONY PALS, STABLEMATES, TAYLOR-MADE TALES, THREE GIRLS IN THE CITY). Kristin displayed interest in the focus of our panel, saying she has experience reconciling book club standards with the needs of more mature readers

Carol Fitzgerald is the founder and president of "where readers and writers click". The webiste includes sites for tween readers with and

More information:
Janet Reid
On behalf of the NYC chapter of the Womens' National Book Association
718 821 4996
Received on Wed 01 Feb 2006 11:11:21 AM CST