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[CCBC-Net] American Girl Series-so yesterday?

From: JanetWana at <JanetWana>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 18:10:51 EST

I take umbrage with the posting regarding the American Girl series books as
"so yesterday."

I have posted in the past in support of the American Girl series in the past and just for the record I want to state that I have no connection to the company.

My daughter (age 10) is a huge fan and owns almost every book made by the former Pleasant Company, now Mattel. She rereads them all the time. She also reads their history/mystery line, (now discontinued). The company is currently doing mystery stories that go with their product line. Kathleen Ernst, author of Danger at the Zoo : A Kit Mystery, was a speaker at the Neenah Public Library
(WI) this summer in early August (when lots of people are out of town on trips). Her talk was in the afternoon (when parents are at work, kids at the pool) and there was a full house. I think the interest in the American Girl stories is alive and well. They are going Hollywood too, with a movie about Samantha having come out last year at this time and a movie about Felicity and her new friend Elizabeth coming out any day now.

My daughter also has read most of the series mentioned. She loved Arthur books by Marc Brown as a pre-chapter book reader. The Magic School Bus series was also a favorite (picture book, chapter book and the paperbacks that went with the t.v. shows).

Though perhaps not known as a "series" Marissa Moss's Amelia's books are favorites too.

In the fantasy realm, she (and my 13 year old son) love Gregor the Overlander
( I think four books are planned. Is that a series?)

Gordan Korman has a series of trilogies: Island, Everest, Dive and his latest, The Fugitives. Kids stop in daily asking my school's library media specialist, "Is the next one here yet?"

My second favorite set of books is Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider series
(Stormbreaker, Point Blank, Skeleton Key, Eagle Strike). I love the character. I love the action.

My all time favorite series is Louise Rennison's Georgia Nicolson books. Nothing has made me laugh like those books (Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging et. al.).

I guess I should have made this a top 10 list!

Janet Wanamaker Neenah, WI
Received on Tue 22 Nov 2005 05:10:51 PM CST