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[CCBC-Net] More Ormerod and Oxenbury Re: babies

From: Betty Tisel <tiselfar>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 19:17:06 -0600

Another GREAT Ormerod for babies -

To Baby With Love, out of print (12 copies available on and a few on amazon)

This book has about five rhymes in it, each with varied illustrations and colors, lots of interest, big pages but not too big, gorgeous drawing and paint, memorable and simple rhymes. It's a baby anthology and I think a masterpiece.

My kids LOVED this book as babies (almost every page has tape on it) and my daughter still periodically has me read it to her, and then she reads it to me (she is eight and she pulled it out two nights ago).

Also loved, from Helen Oxenbury, the original editions of Tickle Tickle, Clap Hands, Say Goodnight, and All Fall Down. I was so happy to read these books to my children as babies because the babies depicted are of many races. I still get excited about these when I look at the pictures. Haven't had a chance to look at the new editions; I hope they didn't wreck them!

Betty Tisel Minneapolis Parent, reader, book advocate

On 11/9/05 4:06 PM, "Vicky Smith" <vjsmith at> wrote:

> I've been following the discussion of books for babies with a great deal of
> interest, for all the reasons posters before me have mentioned. I would like
> to
> take the opportunity to lament the disappearance of some perfectly wonderful
> board books from current publication, a phenomenon that always causes my
> stomach to sink when it comes time to order more copies for either regular
> circulation or for my baby programs (for which I purchase multiple copies so
> we
> all can indulge in choral readings--very fun).
> While it appears that Amy MacDonald and Maureen Roffey's terrific interactive
> series--Let's Go, Let's Play, Let's Make a Noise, Let's Pretend, Let's
> Try--are
> back in print (yay--must try to buy some), Helen Oxenbury's just-about-perfect
> Dressing, Working, Playing, and Eating seem to have slipped beyond the horizon
> again (at least in their perfectly-paced individual incarnations). Also
> missing
> are Cat's Pajamas, by Thacher Hurd (though Zoom City seems still to be in good
> health) and the absolutely magnificent Peek-a-Boo by Jan Ormerod, over which
> my
> mobile babies have actually come to blows, it's so well-loved.
> It always makes me weep to see yet another board-bookification of a larger
> paper
> book taking up space on bookstore shelves when some of these treasures could
> be
> brought back to us.
> (By the way, if I'm dead wrong about the OP status of any of these, please
> email
> me off the list and I'll go happily wild).
> Thanks,
> Vicky Smith
> Director
> McArthur Library
> 270 Main Street
> Biddeford, ME 04005
> (207)284-4181
> vjsmith at
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Received on Wed 09 Nov 2005 07:17:06 PM CST