CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Baby books

From: Corrinne Fisher <CFisher>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 15:12:31 -0500

Oh, how I love synchronicity. I have spent several years heading to the board book section of bookstores, keeping close watch on new booklists and research about early literacy, and anticipating new offerings for our youngest listeners and future readers. I have patiently awaited the time when funding at my organization, Reading Is Fundamental, would allow us to provide a resource to our programs that focuses on our earliest readers. I speak of synchronicity because this week I am finishing the final details on our Board Book Story Sampler (working title) before it goes off to be edited and designed and here chimes in CCBC to make sure that I have provided thorough coverage over a very developmentally complex group of people. Talk about timing!


I really appreciate the titles that have been shared so far, I am pleased to say that I have included many of them in our booklists. I feel I should also chime in with a few recommendations of my own:


One name I have not yet seen mentioned that is a must is Denise Fleming. Her pulp art illustrations are bright and vibrant and she seems to have a knack for combining great illustration and simple text. Some favorites include: Barnyard Banter, In the Small, Small Pond, Alphabet Under Construction, Mama Cat Had Three Kittens, and so, so many more.


Sylvia Long's Mother Goose Block Books offer 16 tiny versions of favorite nursery rhymes that fit perfectly in tiny hands and overstuffed diaper bags. My 13-month old niece loves these books and has since she was about 6 months old.


Some that are great fun to read aloud are:

What Shall We Do with the Boo Hoo Baby? by Cressida Cowell

Tumble Bumble by Felicia Bond

When the Elephant Walks by Keiko Kasza

Dinosaurumpus! by Tony Mitton

Baby Danced the Polka and I Ain't Gonna Paint No More! by Karen Beaumont

Hola Jalapeno by Amy Wilson Sanger

Llama, Llama Red Pajama by Ann Dewdney


...and so many more. What is evident is that there are tons of terrific books available for babies now and many of them are terrific.


And for those who are interested, traditionally, our Story Samplers are available for free via our website. If this is the case with this one featuring baby books, I will share that information with the list-serve when it is available. In the meantime, thank you for being a constant source of inspiration.


Corrie Fisher


Received on Tue 08 Nov 2005 02:12:31 PM CST