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[CCBC-Net] Books for Babies

From: Elliott BatTzedek <ebattzedek>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 15:43:47 -0500

Although they've sadly gone out of print, I love the Chris Raschka's "Thingy Things" books, published as very small hardbacks with no dustcovers. The situations were just perfect for 1-2 year old crowd, with engaging illustrations and fun language for younger kids who might not entirely get the story but love hearing the words aloud.

"Moosey Moose" is still my favorite (Moosey Moose wants his pants./Not his long pants./His short pants.), followed closely by "Doggy Dog" and "Sluggy Slug." Too bad these went out of print so quickly.

Elliott batTzedek Curriculum and Collections Development Children's Literacy Initiative
Received on Mon 07 Nov 2005 02:43:47 PM CST