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[CCBC-Net] FW: Questions from School Library Journal

From: Nancy Silverrod <nsilverrod>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 13:52:01 -0700

Thought some of you could help with this....

Nancy Silverrod, Librarian

San Francisco Public Library

100 Larkin St.

San Francisco, CA 94102


nsilverrod at


Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind. -James Russell Lowell, poet, editor, and diplomat (1819-1891)


From: LEZBRIAN -- Lesbian and Bisexual Women Library Workers *
[mailto:LEZBRIAN at LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU] On Behalf Of Arla Jones Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:29 PM To: LEZBRIAN at LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU Subject: Questions from School Library Journal


Below is an email query from Debra Whelan of SLJ. She is writing a piece about serving gay teens in school libraries. I thought there might know a school librarian out there who would like to contact her:

I am writing a feature article about the difficulties of serving gay teens and would love to hear from librarians out in the field. I'd like to know the kinds of things they are doing, the problems they've encountered, and any advice they'd like to give to school librarians who don't know where to start when it comes to building a gay collection for teens. Also, I'd like to hear from those librarians in conservative areas who have encountered problems from colleagues or parents. Please tell anyone who's interested to email me. Thank you so much. All the best, Debra
  Debra Lau Whelan School Library Journal Senior Editor, News and Features 360 Park Avenue South, 17th Floor New York, NY 10010 Tel: 646 746 6755 Fax: 646 746 6689 dlau at <mailto:dlau at>

Received on Thu 27 Oct 2005 03:52:01 PM CDT