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[CCBC-Net] Scary stories
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From: Penny P Hayne <PHayne>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:19:25 -0400
Many years ago, Pam Conrad's Stonewords: a Ghost Story was on the SC Children's Book Award list. I still consider it to be the most frightening elementary children's book I know of. Conrad's writing not only created spinetingling suspense but her characterization of the ghost child was so believable that it made it that much scarier. Penny
Penny Hayne Library Media Specialist National Board Certified Teacher 2002 Lake Murray Elementary School School District Five of Lexington and
Richland Counties 1531 Three Dog Road Chapin, SC 29036
(803) 732-8151
(803) 732-8157 (fax)
Received on Thu 20 Oct 2005 08:19:25 AM CDT
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:19:25 -0400
Many years ago, Pam Conrad's Stonewords: a Ghost Story was on the SC Children's Book Award list. I still consider it to be the most frightening elementary children's book I know of. Conrad's writing not only created spinetingling suspense but her characterization of the ghost child was so believable that it made it that much scarier. Penny
Penny Hayne Library Media Specialist National Board Certified Teacher 2002 Lake Murray Elementary School School District Five of Lexington and
Richland Counties 1531 Three Dog Road Chapin, SC 29036
(803) 732-8151
(803) 732-8157 (fax)
Received on Thu 20 Oct 2005 08:19:25 AM CDT