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[CCBC-Net] Please, write something more!
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From: Suzanne Fondrie <fondrie>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 11:11:17 -0500
I wish Ji-Li Jiang, author of Red Scarf Girl, would write more about life in China, either before or after the Cultural Revolution. There are so many untold stories there. Whenever I use her book in class, students ask, "What else has she written?" They're disappointed to find there's no more.
Sue Fondrie
Received on Mon 03 Oct 2005 11:11:17 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 11:11:17 -0500
I wish Ji-Li Jiang, author of Red Scarf Girl, would write more about life in China, either before or after the Cultural Revolution. There are so many untold stories there. Whenever I use her book in class, students ask, "What else has she written?" They're disappointed to find there's no more.
Sue Fondrie
Received on Mon 03 Oct 2005 11:11:17 AM CDT