CCBC-Net Archives

Harry Potter

From: <Nancegar>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 07:16:01 EDT

I'm jumping into this discussion a bit late, but can't resist echoing those who've found HP interest keen among teens. The teenage male checkout clerk and bagger at my local grocery store a couple of weeks before the latest HP was released were eagerly but a little uncertainly discussing the actual date, and I was delghted that they were obviously committed "Potterites" and was glad that I was able to confirm their guess.

I wonder, though, what will happen to a new generation of kids who read the first book when they're 8 or so and will be able to go right on to the subsequent ones. Will they lose interest as Harry grows older when they themselves are still pretty young? Perhaps not -- perhaps the younger kids today who have awaited the last couple of HP books with joyful anticipation and devoured them have read the earlier ones and aren't minding that Harry's now an adolescent
-- I wonder what the rest of you have observed about this.

And yes, I too was impressed with Rowling's accurate portrayal of adolescent mood shifts, changing alliances, intensity, etc. I was afraid she might not manage it -- silly me! She's truly amazing.

I do fear the last book will have to be the darkest -- but given indications of hope and, as someone said, continuing relationships at the end of this one, I bet there'll be some flashes of light as well.

Nancy G.

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Received on Mon 08 Aug 2005 06:16:01 AM CDT