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From: Kelley E. Wade <telliboo>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 14:54:37 -0700 (PDT)

With a baby at home, a midnight party was out of the question for this Potterphile. I was greatly amused Saturday am when I arrived before our local BAM opened Saturday and saw that of the 30 people waiting there, only 4 were kids. :) I, too, do not feel interest is waning. My 16 year-old nephew, who was introduced to Harry 6 years ago, was pacing at the mailbox in rural Michigan with his 12 year old brother, waiting for the post to arrive
(alas... if only they had owls instead!). Older readers may not rush out to get it immediately, but they will get to it. More importantly, new readers are joining the rest of us with every release. A 9-year old friend of mine has been pushing mom to read-read-read aloud the earlier books so that she can finally join the grown-up conversation on the more recent ones. Adult friends have sat and read the whole series in a couple of weeks, having finally caught on to how fun they are. I sincerely wish that someone would organize a Potter-release aimed at with their own costumes, trivia contests, perhaps some butter beer or fire whiskey (wink wink). I'd gladly find a sitter for that!! As to the PM in Ch 1 - I thought it was wonderful to see not only the interaction between leaders, but also how we mere Muggles sadly misinterpret some disasters we classify as natural which may in fact be magical.... Yay Harry! Kelley Milton, formerly of Calais Free Library, Maine

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Received on Thu 04 Aug 2005 04:54:37 PM CDT