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International Harry Potter

From: Eliza T. Dresang <edresang>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 06:51:06 -0400

I was in China on the day Harry Potter 6 was released. CNN Asia (in every hotel in which I stayed) showed Harry Potter parties throughout the world, including at a bookstore in China.

The next day I visited a five story Chinese book store on the main downtown shopping street of Beijing. Our Chinese guide knew just what I wanted when I asked if it would be possible to purchase any of the Harry Potter books in Chinese. A large Harry Potter display was easy to find with Books 1 - 5 in Chinese and the British edition of HP6
(Chinese translation to come).

The international enthusiasm for HP lives!


Eliza T. Dresang
Eliza Atkins Gleason Professor
College of Information
Florida State University 32306!00
Phone:	850 644 5877
FAX:  850 644 9763
Received on Fri 05 Aug 2005 05:51:06 AM CDT