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HP Editions

From: Megan Schliesman <Schliesman>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 08:16:37 -0500

 From Norma Jean Sawicki, who is having problems posting:

In regard to Denise Sciandra's post....

I have not seen the new Harry Potter but the reason the American edition is 652 pages, and the British edition, 607 pages, could be as simple as a new design, and typeface for the American edition. Without becoming technical, each typeface is a different weight, and shape...some typefaces set larger than others, some smaller, etc. Also, the "sinkage," meaning the top of the page to the first sentence may be different in the British and American editions. Nor do I know how many illustrations are in the American edition compared to the British edition...that too would matter. So would the number of pages for front matter...the title page, half title page, copyright page, etc. For those with both editions and an interest in bookmaking, comparing them in the above fashion could be fun/interesting.

Secondly, only the writer and the editor know why editorial changes were made in the American edition and it would be bad form for the American editor ( or, the editor of any book in any country) to discuss the reasons for the changes. The editorial relationship is private/confidential and the only person who has free rein to discuss changes is the writer because a book belongs to the writer and no one else. Also," translation" applies to a book translated from a foreign language. Of a book originally published in Great Britain, one might say it has been Americanized if spellings, and usage were changed. In the comparison sighted, one would say the American edition was edited by the American editor...all changes, including "word" changes were, of course, approved by the author. That way of working is considered normal and has nothing to do with the reputation of the writer. Norma Jean
Received on Mon 15 Aug 2005 08:16:37 AM CDT