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coverless Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

From: Cammie L. Backus <clbackus>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 07:56:07 -0400

My personal theory on the coverless HPs is that the covers are so nice people don't want to damage them while they're toting them around. They do tend to fold/fray at the top and bottom of the book.

On the other hand, I was putting a Brodart jacket on one of the HPs at the library the other day and was pleased to see that the cover lay down so nicely because of its heavier weight (and possibly better quality paper). Cammie

 Message----From: Lisa Von Drasek [mailto:lisav at] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 11:20 PM To: Schliesman at; ccbc-net at; Terrie.Dorio at SMGOV.NET Subject: Re: [ccbc-net] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -SPOILER

We are definitely seeing all ages interested in the new Harry Potter. What I am seeing is kids to adults all over NYC, in school,in camp, in the library, on the subway, in diners reading Harry without the cover. What's up with that? I see the purple coverless Harry every where.

Lisa Von Drasek Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education School for Children Pre-K- 8 610 West 112th St NY NY 10025

lisav at

212 875 4452

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Received on Fri 05 Aug 2005 06:56:07 AM CDT