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From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 08:13:23 -0400

1) I went to Borders on the Friday night since they had the actor who played Draco Malfoy's father there. He happened to be shooting a TV series set in Providence
(RI) at the time. Needless to say, the place was mobbed, in a relatively organized way. He did not look at all like a villain as he kneeled down to talk with some young fans face to face. The first person in line was an 18 year old young woman with glasses and scarf. There were lots of fans in that age group, and plenty of all ages who came in various levels of costumes.

2) I really liked the opening. I have been rather tired of having to start at the Dursleys - scenes for me that I had to get through just to get to the real book. My only disappointment was that this connection to the Muggle world was dropped, and we never saw the Prime Minister again. Lost a level of threat that would help justify the idea of Harry having to kill you know who (actually, slay the dragon, in my mind). Plus I like books to come full circle.

3) I must say I was impatient, as well, waiting for a little more action. I did enjoy the flashbacks, though. Then when the action came, I felt a certain distrust that interfered with emotional connection. Well, must restrain from now from talking about the ending.

4) This book seemed to be a bridge, aging the kids and bringing all the info needed to move into HP7. It seems to set up the finale more than stand alone in its own right. The Draco story line filled the need for some conflict that would come to a climax in this book.

5) In all the discussions about where to put the book in libraries - children's or YA - I am intrigued that people seem to decide based on the level of sex activity with less focus on the level of violence. This seems to be just what happens in grading movies. HP has plenty of violence, like most fantasies of good vs. evil. The references to the current world situation and politics scare me a bit in this context since fantasies also justify violent actions when on the side of "good."

6) Thank goodness for the many humorous lines centered on Ron.

Melody Allen melody_allen at

I thought the opening with the Prime Minister was brilliant. One of my favorite parts of the book.

Angela Frederick

--- Dotti Enderle wrote:

Angela Frederick asfrederick at

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