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From: Steward, Celeste <csteward>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 14:26:03 -0700

My 11-branch library system in CA has 439 on the waiting list for HP and the HBP...we bought 100 copies, then another 25 after the hold list built to nearly 500. No sign of HP's popularity being dented here.

Love the idea of the houses as different activities stations in the bookstore...hope there are no copyright issues (just kidding)...I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to spark such worldwide hoo-rah...I immediately thought the only other individual who could draw folks like that was the pope.

My own kids can't get over the fact that J.K. Rowling wrote part of the original HP in a coffee shop and I can't help but wonder if her rags to riches story is surely worthy of a TV movie or two?

Celeste Steward Alameda County Library

 Message----From: James Elliott [mailto:j_c_elliott at] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 1:15 PM To: cathys at Cc: ccbc-net at Subject: Re: [ccbc-net] Potter


WE went to the pre-release party at two locations: Borders and Books-A-Million. The one at Borders was poorly attended and not very well organized. Almost 15 minutes past the 'start time' nothing had been started
- no activites, no 'sorting', nothing. However, the staff were in great costumes. So we left for BAM. As did a lot of others.

BAM was great. The staff had set up a 'Sorting Hat' at the front entrance, you stood under the hat, closed your eyes and picked out a 'house' from a cauldron. Then you went to the house area. Staff had activities planned that rotated from house to house, about ? hour increments. So Gryffindor had wand making at 9:00, Hufflepuff at 9:30, Ravenclaw at 10:00, Slyteren at 10:30, and so on. Very well organized, something going on all over the store.

There were kids and adults of all ages, and they were all participating. (I won third place in the Hufflepuff Costume contest as Sirius Black).

My daughter is 17, and she insisted on reading the book first, my son is 10 and he is not a good reader, but he is working his way through it and won't let us talk about it when he is in the room. We bought two copies so there wouldn't be a big fight over the reading.

At the library, we have several copies cataloged and the hold list is growing for both book and CD.

So, in short, I haven't noticed any diminishing of interest in older children, teens or adults.

James Elliott Gadsden County Public Library System 341 E. Jefferson Street Quincy, FL. 32351%31

(850) 627q06

There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration.

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
- Groucho MARX

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Received on Thu 04 Aug 2005 04:26:03 PM CDT