CCBC-Net Archives

library party

From: Kathy and Wally Kurkiewicz <kurkwk>
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 14:21:03 -0500

Someone had asked if any libraries as opposed to book stores had midnight parties:

Our Public Library in rural Wisconsin did have a midnight party on the night the book was released. The party began at 8:00pm and started off with a showing of The Prisoner of Azkaban movie. Following the movie, there were games and trivia, snacks (pumkin juice, Bertie Botts Beans, popcorn), fortune telling by someone dressed as Professor Trewlaney, a costume contest (someone dressed as Moaning Mertle won) and at Midnight the books were available for purchase. Also at midnight, the first chapter of the book was read aloud and there was a drawing to see who who get to check out the library copies first. It was a great time for everyone -- kids and adults alike.

Kathy Kurkiewicz
Received on Fri 05 Aug 2005 02:21:03 PM CDT