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[CCBC-Net] HP Celebration
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From: caroll webster <carollwebster>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 22:04:41 -0700
The Redwood City Public Library, Redwood City, CA hosted a Harry Potter celebration July 15, from 9 pm to 12:45 am July 16 morning. We gave out 20 free copies of HP to the winners of trivia quizzes and to raffle winners. All children received one raffle ticket for the drawing, and children who came in costume received two tickets. Entertainment included puppet shows by Youth Services manager Chuck Ashton, crafts and pages of Harry Potter characters to color. Food was served, and the first Harry Potter film was shown. Over 400 children and parents attended. The library had 200 copies of HP6 to check out, as well as 25 copies of the CD. All copies were either checked out that night or before noon the next day. Staff including library pages and our director, Dave Genesy, were on hand for the celebration! Ours was the only library celebration I know of. A howling success!
Caroll Webster Redwood City Public Library Children's Librarian
Received on Tue 16 Aug 2005 12:04:41 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 22:04:41 -0700
The Redwood City Public Library, Redwood City, CA hosted a Harry Potter celebration July 15, from 9 pm to 12:45 am July 16 morning. We gave out 20 free copies of HP to the winners of trivia quizzes and to raffle winners. All children received one raffle ticket for the drawing, and children who came in costume received two tickets. Entertainment included puppet shows by Youth Services manager Chuck Ashton, crafts and pages of Harry Potter characters to color. Food was served, and the first Harry Potter film was shown. Over 400 children and parents attended. The library had 200 copies of HP6 to check out, as well as 25 copies of the CD. All copies were either checked out that night or before noon the next day. Staff including library pages and our director, Dave Genesy, were on hand for the celebration! Ours was the only library celebration I know of. A howling success!
Caroll Webster Redwood City Public Library Children's Librarian
Received on Tue 16 Aug 2005 12:04:41 AM CDT