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From: Carolyn Gabb <cgabb>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 16:23:46 -0400

BlankI have been reading with interest the comments about the Lynch book. I was raped in the late 70's and have learned to accomodate my feelings to my life. Three men picked me up off the street... and the doctor on campus didn't come in because he was too busy. I spoke soon after at the health service and policies there have changed drastically, thank heavens.

But the scars are permanent. I can remember all too well several people asking in recent years -- "Aren't you over it yet?"

I have been very proactive in talking to others, including to speaking to college students on their "Take Back the Night" programs. Only by being open about this part of my life can I cope with this horror. Now, my question is: how difficult a read is this for people who have been attacked? Perhaps this is too general a question, but I still think it needs to be addressed -- what about those readers who have been raped and haven't told anyone yet?

Carolyn G.
Received on Mon 25 Jul 2005 03:23:46 PM CDT