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Looking for books about abandonment

From: Mayra <mayra>
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 18:40:26 -0500

Also Becoming Naomi Le?n by Pam Mu?oz Ryan deals with a mother that leaves her children, among many other topics.

mayra in milwaukee

 Message----From: Barbara Scotto [mailto:barbara_scotto at] Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:17 PM To: Diane Davis Cc: yawRITER at; Subscribers of ccbc-net; childrens-writers at Subject: Re: [ccbc-net] Looking for books about abandonment

I don't know of any picture books in which mothers have left their children, but there are novels. Belle Prater's Boy by Ruth White and Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech both deal with this issue.


Barbara Scotto Sixth grade teacher Michael Driscoll School Brookline, Massachusetts

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Received on Sun 24 Jul 2005 06:40:26 PM CDT