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writing/off topic

From: Norma Jean <nsawicki>
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2005 16:45:38 -0500

According to an article I read in today's newspaper, tomorrow, July 5, The National Commission on Writing will release a report stating that states spend $250 million dollars a year on remedial writing instruction for their workers; another study states" sloppy writing's cost to taxpayers is even greater." Governor Mike Huckabee, who is vice chairman of the National Governors Association, conducted the study and said..."It is impossible to calculate the lost productivity when people have to read things two and three times." The National Commission on Writing has it own web site and I assume one will be able to read/download the study when it is released. Norma Jean
Received on Mon 04 Jul 2005 04:45:38 PM CDT