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R. Dahl article (off topic)
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From: Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:55:28 -0700
The "New Yorker," ( July 11 & 18) carries an interesting essay about Roald Dahl and his undoubted appeal to young people (and some older ones, too). [pp. 92] et seq.
Big Grandma
Received on Wed 13 Jul 2005 12:55:28 PM CDT
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:55:28 -0700
The "New Yorker," ( July 11 & 18) carries an interesting essay about Roald Dahl and his undoubted appeal to young people (and some older ones, too). [pp. 92] et seq.
Big Grandma
Received on Wed 13 Jul 2005 12:55:28 PM CDT