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Sibert Medal and visual nonfiction
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From: Beth Wright <bethlibrarian>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 06:55:27 -0700 (PDT)
Norma Jean and Pamela have written eloquently about the difficulty in getting excellent 'visual nonfiction' published: the expense involved in research and production costs vs. the potential for publishers not to recoup that expense. I've heard about this difficult issue from other nonfiction writers as well. I was very pleased when the American Library Association established the Sibert Medal for nonfiction, because I hoped the award might give publishers more incentive to take risks with this type of book.
The Sibert has only been around since 2001, so maybe it's too soon to tell...does anyone have thoughts on this?
Beth Wright Youth Services Librarian Fletcher Free Library Burlington, Vermont
(802) 865r16 bethlibrarian at
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Received on Mon 11 Jul 2005 08:55:27 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 06:55:27 -0700 (PDT)
Norma Jean and Pamela have written eloquently about the difficulty in getting excellent 'visual nonfiction' published: the expense involved in research and production costs vs. the potential for publishers not to recoup that expense. I've heard about this difficult issue from other nonfiction writers as well. I was very pleased when the American Library Association established the Sibert Medal for nonfiction, because I hoped the award might give publishers more incentive to take risks with this type of book.
The Sibert has only been around since 2001, so maybe it's too soon to tell...does anyone have thoughts on this?
Beth Wright Youth Services Librarian Fletcher Free Library Burlington, Vermont
(802) 865r16 bethlibrarian at
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Received on Mon 11 Jul 2005 08:55:27 AM CDT