CCBC-Net Archives

Disgusting charges

From: Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 19:08:55 -0700

Seeing as they lifted entire commentaries and discussions from the website, perhaps someone from the CCBC can notify/remind them about copyright law?"

Is CCBC copyrighted? So--that ends that.

Perhaps the best reply to our dear PABBIES is to drown their list with questions--not statements--and keep them (probably two frustrated males and one or two anti?minist women) and badger them to respond. When no response...make sure the world knows that the pablums are non-responsive.

Then again, there are so many more battles for which we might arm our brains.

None of this stuff is new. It's just that if I sneeze on Pier One (in San Francisco), by Pier 38 the word will go out that I have pneumonia and have expired.

Big Grandma (who has been through this shtufft more times that I wish to recall)
Received on Mon 18 Jul 2005 09:08:55 PM CDT