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Sibert Medal
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From: <BudNotBuddy>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:37:52 EDT
I believe that the creation of the Sibert Medal has been responsible for bringing significant additional attention to the body of children's information books, has elevated them in so many minds, and has already resulted in the publishing of a greater number of trade information books for children of high literary quality. I only see up-side from ALSC's decision.
I now hope that YALSA will follow suit by creating a YA Information Book Award. It will instigate the writing and publishing of more quality YA information books, enhance the stature of YA informational books in the same way the Printz Medal has enhanced the stature of YA fiction, and will help recognize those stellar works that already being published but (as with ALSC and the Newbery) are so rarely considered by Printz committees.
So far my favorite 2005 YA information title--one that's too mature for recognition by ALSC committees--is Elizabeth Partridge's honest and beautiful JOHN LENNON: ALL I WANT IS THE TRUTH.
Richie Partington
_http://richiespicks.com_ ( BudNotBuddy at
Received on Mon 11 Jul 2005 09:37:52 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:37:52 EDT
I believe that the creation of the Sibert Medal has been responsible for bringing significant additional attention to the body of children's information books, has elevated them in so many minds, and has already resulted in the publishing of a greater number of trade information books for children of high literary quality. I only see up-side from ALSC's decision.
I now hope that YALSA will follow suit by creating a YA Information Book Award. It will instigate the writing and publishing of more quality YA information books, enhance the stature of YA informational books in the same way the Printz Medal has enhanced the stature of YA fiction, and will help recognize those stellar works that already being published but (as with ALSC and the Newbery) are so rarely considered by Printz committees.
So far my favorite 2005 YA information title--one that's too mature for recognition by ALSC committees--is Elizabeth Partridge's honest and beautiful JOHN LENNON: ALL I WANT IS THE TRUTH.
Richie Partington
_http://richiespicks.com_ ( BudNotBuddy at
Received on Mon 11 Jul 2005 09:37:52 AM CDT