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Off topic/3 little pigs
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From: Sally Miller <derbymiller>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 09:56:02 -0400
Maybe I should be able to research this myself, but I don't seem to be able to. Can anyone help me identify this for a friend? The illustrated copy of "The Three Little Pigs" that I remembered had a page showing the two pigs whose houses had just been destroyed by the big bad wolf arriving at the brick house of their brother. On the wall in the background of the living room were two pictures. One, labeled "Mother", was a ham. The other, labeled "Father", was a football. Thank you, Sally Derby
Received on Sun 10 Jul 2005 08:56:02 AM CDT
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 09:56:02 -0400
Maybe I should be able to research this myself, but I don't seem to be able to. Can anyone help me identify this for a friend? The illustrated copy of "The Three Little Pigs" that I remembered had a page showing the two pigs whose houses had just been destroyed by the big bad wolf arriving at the brick house of their brother. On the wall in the background of the living room were two pictures. One, labeled "Mother", was a ham. The other, labeled "Father", was a football. Thank you, Sally Derby
Received on Sun 10 Jul 2005 08:56:02 AM CDT