CCBC-Net Archives

Finding the Life in Science

From: Megan Schliesman <Schliesman>
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 14:26:08 -0500


I'm glad you brought up April Pulley Sayre. She, too, like Lisa Westberg Peters, writes about science and the natural world in a narratives that are lyrical and poetic. One recent example of a book by her that left me dazzled by nature is
"Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust" (Greenwillow/HarperCollins, 2005). My response to this book was "who knew!" It was fascinating.


Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, UW-Madison 600 N. Park St., Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

ph: 608&2?03 fax: 608&2I33 schliesman at

-------------- Original message from "Corrinne Fisher" : I wish there were more authors similarly inspired to excite themselves as well as children about our natural world. I would also be interested in knowing what other
"gems" have engaged and excited young children about science (I have merely mentioned only
 a couple of my own favorites.)

Corrie, Have you seen April Pulley Sayre's books? I'm not a child, but I love them now and would have loved them as a child. Her website is

-Laura Kemp
Received on Wed 06 Jul 2005 02:26:08 PM CDT