CCBC-Net Archives

ccbc-net digest 18 Jul 2005

From: <WriterBabe>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 11:35:20 EDT

I was sent this hideous note by an unknown sender. PABBIS stands for Parents Against Bad Books In Schools. Many of our books are targeted by them.

On their website they say "The ALA facilitates CCBC-Net Topics, a listserv chatroom on literary issues. PABBIS was interested in their topic for the second half of June 2005 - "How Far Is Too Far?" in young adult books. The ALA considers young adults to be 12 - 18 years old. The answer for most of these folks was that it is never "too far" and that anything-goes-at-any-age. For our review and some of the very interesting and revealing discussion Click Here. The ALA - Librarians for Porn, Librarians Against Porn Filters The ALA - Helping Get and Keep Extreme Material in K School" What can we do about this group? Best, Marilyn


PABBIS - Parents Against Bad Books In Schools

18 July 2005 News Release

The ALA and Porn Filters and How Far Is Too Far In "Young Adult" Books? PORN FILTERS Last week we noted how spending millions to fight internet porn filters in public libraries was not a problem, but was rather a priority to the ALA. The ALA lost their fight against public library internet porn filters in the Supreme Court but continues to resist the decision at the local level through their influence on public libraries and public library policies all around the county. The well resourced, radical, internet porn loving, anything-goes-at-any-age ALA's impact on children, local communities, and public tax expenditures is very troubling. A small, out of the mainstream circle of people in the ALA have a huge impact as they define and implement their new and strange ideology in both public and public school libraries. Plan2Succeed is an organization that plans to succeed at "Stopping the ALA from Pushing Porn in Public Libraries." They have useful information on:
- How the ALA continues to resist and undermine the Supreme Court decision on filters
- Information about the ALA and children
- Crimes and Filters in Libraries It is disgusting how some public libraries are becoming "safer" for public porn and perverts but unsafe for children. Click Here to view the Plan2Succeed website. YOUNG ADULT SMUT The ALA facilitates CCBC-Net Topics, a listserv chatroom on literary issues. PABBIS was interested in their topic for the second half of June 2005 - "How Far Is Too Far?" in young adult books. The ALA considers young adults to be 12
- 18 years old. The answer for most of these folks was that it is never "too far" and that anything-goes-at-any-age. For our review and some of the very interesting and revealing discussion Click Here. The ALA - Librarians for Porn, Librarians Against Porn Filters The ALA - Helping Get and Keep Extreme Material in K Schools

PABBIS News Release 18JUL2005
Received on Mon 18 Jul 2005 10:35:20 AM CDT