CCBC-Net Archives

Sibert Award

From: <Candymfleming>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:13:35 EDT

As a brand new member of the CCBC-Net community, I wanted to tell you how fascinating I've found your recent conversations regarding nonfiction. As a the author of middle grade biographies (as well as lots of fiction, historical and otherwise) I cheered after reading Monica's comments. I, too, love a highly visual book -- one that uses a nonlinear approach and allows the reader to
"dip in and out" it. This is exactly the approach I used in my last biography, Ben Franklin's Almanac, and I'm using a similar format with my newest book, Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look At Eleanor Roosevelt's Remarkable Life. Even with this nontraditional approach, both books, I think, retain a sense of evolving story. Each entry is highly narrative, and great care is given to the placement of each image. My thinking is, if it works so well for science books, why

not biographies?

Candace Fleming
Received on Thu 14 Jul 2005 10:13:35 AM CDT