CCBC-Net Archives

Rainbow Party/CNN

From: Norma Jean <nsawicki>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:16:37 -0500

Rainbow Party was the subject of a segment on CNN this morning...under the heading of, "Do you know what your daughter is reading?" An editor from Seventeen Magazine was interviewed; the following points were made...

1. Barnes and Noble sells Rainbow Party online but not in its stores.

2. The editor of Seventeen has never heard of a girl who went to a rainbow party; "adults are feeding adult fantasies into the teenage world."

3. That Rainbow Party is written by a man is "creepy."

4. According to surveys conducted by Seventeen Magazine, modesty, and virginity is up among teenagers; teenage pregnancy is down. Another Seventeen survey showed teenagers would delay sex if they could discuss it with their parents who are too uncomfortable to discuss sex. If a parent sees a teenager reading Rainbow Party, he/she should use it as a "talking point, and not rely on novelists to instill values in their daughter."

5. Other than Rainbow Party, only the Gossip Girls series was mentioned by name, under the heading of "the current, steamy, racy novels " for teenagers; Judy Blume's novels " are tame" compared to the novels published today.

6. The remarks do not come under the heading of censorship but rather Rainbow Party, etc., conflict with the surveys conducted by Seventeen Magazine.

An interesting segment from my point of view; especially the remarks/discussion about adults feeding adult fantasies into the teenage world." Norma Jean
Received on Tue 05 Jul 2005 10:16:37 AM CDT