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From: <Nancegar>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:09:58 EDT
I got the PABBIS note, too; I bet we all did, or maybe those of us who participated in the "How far..." discussion. PABBIS is very annoying, and what they say about ALA makes me boil, but I wonder how effective they really are. Certainly their "comments" on our discussion were pretty lame! They do, as Julie said, have every right to their opinion and to express their opinion -- and we have every right to try to refute what they say, as eloquently as we can. I think that's the best way to counteract them -- that, and to continue to write, publish, review, shelve, and read books that help to open children's minds and encourage them to view all sides of the situations they encounter and make up their own minds what they think.
Nancy G
____________________________________________ Please visit my website at Budding Writers: The Exercises, #2 is up!
Received on Mon 18 Jul 2005 03:09:58 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:09:58 EDT
I got the PABBIS note, too; I bet we all did, or maybe those of us who participated in the "How far..." discussion. PABBIS is very annoying, and what they say about ALA makes me boil, but I wonder how effective they really are. Certainly their "comments" on our discussion were pretty lame! They do, as Julie said, have every right to their opinion and to express their opinion -- and we have every right to try to refute what they say, as eloquently as we can. I think that's the best way to counteract them -- that, and to continue to write, publish, review, shelve, and read books that help to open children's minds and encourage them to view all sides of the situations they encounter and make up their own minds what they think.
Nancy G
____________________________________________ Please visit my website at Budding Writers: The Exercises, #2 is up!
Received on Mon 18 Jul 2005 03:09:58 PM CDT