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Sibert Medal and visual nonfiction
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From: Kathleen Horning <horning>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:06:34 -0500
Great question, Beth! It might be too early to tell what sort of impact the Sibert is having on publishing -- perhaps some editors on the list will respond.
I was pleased to see ALSC change the Sibert terms this year, on the advice of past Sibert Committees, so that the award can go to illustrators as well as authors.
Kathleen T. Horning, Director Cooperative Children's Book Center University of Wisconsin-School of Education 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706
horning at Voice: 608&3721 Fax: 608&2I33
[snip] I hoped the award might give publishers more incentive to take risks with this type of book.
The Sibert has only been around since 2001, so maybe it's too soon to tell...does anyone have thoughts on this?
Received on Mon 11 Jul 2005 09:06:34 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:06:34 -0500
Great question, Beth! It might be too early to tell what sort of impact the Sibert is having on publishing -- perhaps some editors on the list will respond.
I was pleased to see ALSC change the Sibert terms this year, on the advice of past Sibert Committees, so that the award can go to illustrators as well as authors.
Kathleen T. Horning, Director Cooperative Children's Book Center University of Wisconsin-School of Education 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706
horning at Voice: 608&3721 Fax: 608&2I33
[snip] I hoped the award might give publishers more incentive to take risks with this type of book.
The Sibert has only been around since 2001, so maybe it's too soon to tell...does anyone have thoughts on this?
Received on Mon 11 Jul 2005 09:06:34 AM CDT