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From: <4joyces>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 15:44:35 +0000
The books of Gloria Skurzynski are wonderfully engaging in the area of physical science. The two I know best are ON TIME: FROM SEASONS TO SECONDS, and WAVES: THE ELECTROMAGNETIC UNIVERSE, both published by National Geographic. I don't think I ever truly understood the light spectrum (including x-rays and gamma rays) until I read the latter. Now I can converse knowledgeably with my son the physics major (in kind of a strange reversal of the situation described by Bernita Strnad i.e. her 16-yr-old nephew Robert)!
Finding this discussion fascinating.
Joyce Sidman
Received on Thu 14 Jul 2005 10:44:35 AM CDT
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 15:44:35 +0000
The books of Gloria Skurzynski are wonderfully engaging in the area of physical science. The two I know best are ON TIME: FROM SEASONS TO SECONDS, and WAVES: THE ELECTROMAGNETIC UNIVERSE, both published by National Geographic. I don't think I ever truly understood the light spectrum (including x-rays and gamma rays) until I read the latter. Now I can converse knowledgeably with my son the physics major (in kind of a strange reversal of the situation described by Bernita Strnad i.e. her 16-yr-old nephew Robert)!
Finding this discussion fascinating.
Joyce Sidman
Received on Thu 14 Jul 2005 10:44:35 AM CDT